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Newsletter 9 - Term 2 - Week 8 - 10th June, 2021
Principal: Mrs. Roslyn Joyner
Dear parents and carers,
It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the term already. Your child’s written reports will be sent home on Friday. I congratulate the students on managing to continue to work hard through the ups and downs of the term. The lock down with return to remote learning along with the interruption of the floods caused some disruption, however, I am happy to say that things went on as normal with the student’s learning and wellbeing. Thank you to all staff for their continuous hard work over the term.
Congratulations to our year 6 students who received the sacrament of Confirmation last Thursday and Friday. It was a wonderful celebration and quite moving as Bishop Greg anointed our young ones during their final initiation into the church. Well done to everyone concerned in helping them prepare for this very special event in their lives.
Seasons for Growth will be starting in week 2 next term for those who are involved in this support program and the make up for lock down swimming classes for years 3-6 will resume in week 2 as well.
I wish everyone a restful and refreshing break over the holidays, and special best wishes to Sue Couling as she begins her well deserved long service leave. Enjoy!
Best wishes,
Stay safe and best wishes
Roslyn Joyner
Next week we will be moving to an automatic locking system for external doors. All schools are moving to this new security system in order to make school environments safer for the school community. It is one of the many strategies being implemented for child safety. Reception and classrooms will be open from 8.30am until 4.00pm only. Before and after these times, access can only be gained through the use of a staff fob.
PMP Perceptual MotorProgram - Prep Students
Every fortnight on a Wednesday the students in Grade Prep participate in a Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) . In this movement program students receive information primarily through visual, auditory, tactile, vestibular and kinesthetic senses. The students complete 6-7 activities in a 25 minute program. The House captains in Yr 6 and other senior students in the school assist the teachers whilst the students participate in the confident building activities. Please see the photos attached of the students participating in yesterday’s program of PMP.
Swimming - (Yrs 3-6 Term 3 Catch Up lesson)
Today the students in Years 3-6 will be taking home a swimming notice detailing the catch up swimming lesson program at the Ford Swim Centre. The students will be swimming on Monday July 19th, 20th, 22nd and 23rd of July. The students will not swim on Wednesday 21st of July. I ask parents to please complete the permission notice and medical form and to return back to school as soon as possible.
Cross Country - Regional Championship
Regional Cross Country - Lardner Park Warragul
The Regional Cross Country event will be held on Thursday 15th of July at Lardner Park Warragul. The following 9 students will be participating in the event: Jack Marino, Billy Grimes, Dempsey Podmore, Harlow Sexton, Maddie Harle, Kitty Passalqua, Sierra Colountuno , Lucy Fazioli and Aaliyah Judilla. The first event starts at 10.15am. On behalf of the school I would like to wish our cross country participants all the very best.
Division Winter Round Robin Competition - Thursday 22nd July
The Division Winter Round Robin competition has been rescheduled for Thursday 22nd July. The students will compete against other school districts in football and soccer. The. Students will receive a permission notice and details of this event when they return to school for term 3. The Hockey team has already made it through to the Regional level and will play against other schools in the Gippsland region on Wednesday 28th of July. The students will receive a permission notice and details of this event when they return to school.
Basketball Hooptime Competition - Friday 30th July
St Gabriels will enter a boys and girls team in the Basketball Hooptime competition to be held on Friday 30th of July. Over 70 boys and girls from Years 5/6 have nominated to try out for these teams. I would like to thank all these students for having a go. The training session will be held in the stadium during lunch time and I would like to thank Mr Adams, Mrs Harle and Mrs Leech for making themselves available to help train the students. The two teams of ten students each will be announced in term 3.
Sporting News:
If you have any sporting news about a team or individual please email to be put into the school newsletter.
R.C.I.A.: These letters stand for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the ancient Rite of welcoming people into the Church.
St Michael’s Parish warmly invites anyone interested in discovering more about the Catholic faith to attend our meetings on Thursdays, in St Michael’s Parish Centre. We start at 7.30pm sharp, and finish by 9.00pm sharp. This year’s starting date is July 22nd. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO MAY BE INTERESTED, ENCOURAGE THEM TO CONTACT EITHER Susan Grout (0412 671 308) or the Parish Office (5174 2060). We need to know who is coming for COVID regulations.
Signing children in and out of school
If your child needs to leave early, or has an appointment, then parents must sign in when they return/arrive. A note must be supplied to the classroom teacher so that they are aware of why the child is leaving and they can then record the absence. If your child is unwell to speed up their recovery by not allowing your child to return to school until they are fully recovered.
Parents and Friends Meetings
Meetings—the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm
Do you want to know what is happening in your school? Would you have anything you could contribute? We invite you to come along to our Parents and Friends Meeting held the second Tuesday of the month in the staff room at school. The meeting starts at 7pm. All parents, new and old are warmly welcome.
School Lunch Orders
Monday orders are to placed in classroom tubs first thing Monday morning.
Wednesday orders are collected Tuesday afternoon for Wednesday delivery at lunchtime
NOTE: Please write clearly on an envelope the child’s name and grade and the item they wish to order. Correct money only will be accepted.
St Gabriel's Uniform Shop
The St. Gabriel's Uniform shop operates Tuesday 8.30am - 9.30am and Thursday from 2pm - 4pm. Order forms are available at the school office if you are unable to attend the uniform shop during these times.
The Uniform Shop is located at the rear of the school hall off the hall foyer.
Well done to our Aussie's of the Month for June. Bella Snow Year 4 Blue, Mason Inglis 1 Blue and Jake Alimpic Prep Blue
Keep up the good work!