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Newsletter 2 - Term 2 - Week 4
Thursday 9th May 2024
Principal: Mrs. Michelle Charlton
Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
Today we celebrated a beautiful Mother’s Day Mass at St Michael’s Church. It was lovely to see so many mothers & grandmothers in attendance. The church was overflowing. A special thank you to our musicians, Alison, Amanda & Claire who always do a beautiful job, however today was extra special with their tribute to our mums.
Tomorrow our Parents & Friends will once again be holding their Mother’s Day Stall. Payment for this is via CDFpay. Please note this will close on Thursday 9th May. We will not be providing gifts to students and sending home an IOU note for any families who have not paid in advance. This is to ensure that we are respectful of all families who may have made the decision not to purchase a gift.
Congratulations to our School Captains who were great representatives of the school at the Anzac Day Parade. It was also lovely to see so many happy faces and waves from the students watching the parade as we walked past. Thank you for your support!
As you will be aware from our email last week, we are currently in discussions with a Before/After School Care Provider in regards to the possibility of them running a program at St Gabriel’s. This will also take into consideration the option of a school holiday program as well. Both St Gabriel’s and St Michael’s are looking at this option and if we do go with the options it may be that a combined holiday program is run at one of the schools. Thank you to all of the families who completed the survey which has enabled us to determine the viability of this running at the school. We will be providing regular updates to families regarding our discussions and progress.
Important Dates to Remember
- 20th May- 5/6 Swimming Program
- 24th May - Sacrament of Confirmation 6pm at the Church
- 3rd June- 3/4 Swimming Program
- 4th June - District Winter Sports (5/6 students)
- 7th June - School Closure Day
- 10th June - King's Birthday Public Holiday
- 17th-19th June Year 5 Camp Phillip Island
- 20th June- Year 5 only Student Free Day
- 28th June - Last Day Term Two (1pm finish)
Parents are asked to drive carefully and observe the following traffic arrangements:
- The turning circle at the end of Rangeview Drive is a designated “no standing” zone.
- The school car park is used for staff cars only.
- Where parents stop on the south side of Rangeview Drive it is asked that children walk around the cul-de-sac rather than crossing the busy road.
- Parents utilising the drop off/pick up area must turn in the cul-de-sac and enter the carpark at 10kph.
- Parents are not to leave their cars whilst dropping children off in the drop off zone.
- Children are to enter and exit the cars from the footpath.
- No persons are permitted to walk across the carpark.
Key points to consider:
- If your child is not present at pick up time, then you will need to leave and come back. It is a NO STANDING ZONE
- If traffic is banked up in the drop off/pick up, then use the through lane (as shown on the map) in the carpark to keep traffic moving in Rangeview Drive.
- Parents must notify the school if children are to be collected by people other than immediate family.